Should I Put That I Am Debt Free In My Dating Profile Average ratng: 6,8/10 5268 votes

When most men write their online dating profile, they go about it the wrong way.

Six weeks after we started dating, I told Emily my secret. We were in bed, still in those heady, lust-filled days of a new relationship. I really liked her, suspected that I might even love her. Hi peopel, same here from Singapore. Due to my bad experience with social dating site, I cancel my credit card if I ever use it to register dating site cause no matter you choose not to renew or cancel the account, they will continue to charge you. So I am doing this as precaution and look like I made the right move. Here you have good senior dating profile examples that will help you reach your goal in senior online dating. There is no need to copy paste the sentences. Just analyze the style, the given info and create your own profile. I’m not young, still I love going out, driving my car, working out with Beatles in my ears. I regularly update my boyfriend on my progress in paying it down, and I eagerly await the day in 2020, if all goes according to plan, that I can tell him I’m debt-free. It's one of the priciest dating services out there. Yes, eHarmony offers a free membership package, but as is customary with most dating sites, if you want to do any serious communicating with other members on eHarmony, you're going to have to shell out for a paid subscription.

Should I Put That I Am Debt Free In My Dating Profile

They pen a factual biography that details their life story. They create a resume that only focuses on their skills and accomplishments. Or they write a sales pitch trying to convince women why they should choose them.

All three of these methods fail spectacularly. Instead, you have to understand that the real purpose of your online profile is…

Marketing yourself. Therefore, your goals should be to…

  1. Build interest. We all want the best for ourselves and women are no different. They’re looking for a guy who’s going to improve the quality of their life – whether that’s through adventure, emotional / sexual fulfillment, or status.

    Show your value. You don’t need to brag or prove yourself, but give her an engaging inside scoop. Detail your quirky hobbies, tell your hilarious stories, and talk about your passions.

  2. Make her feel good. A woman’s #1 fear about online dating is having to endure an intense meet-up with a jerk or a stalker. So if you can make a woman smile, laugh, or even relax — you’ll put her mind at ease.

    Embody the emotions you want her to feel, we are reciprocative by nature. Have a positive attitude. Don’t be judgmental. Be playful and don’t take yourself so seriously.

I know that doesn’t always come naturally. So to help you hit these goals, here’s a list of do’s and don’ts to help evaluate your own profile.


Spell check and review your grammar! Why is it that I can click onto any profile and find a handful of mistakes? You are sabotaging your chances. Many women instantly close out of a poorly written profile.

Break up your paragraphs to make them more readable. 3-5 sentences per paragraph maximum.

Get to your point quicker. Trim out all filler words and redundant statements. Be succinct. Remove all irrelevant details which don’t show value or evoke emotion.

I just saw this on a profile, “It really depends who is available that Friday night but usually I will be drinking Whiskey at someone’s house or my house with whoever is there.”

Do she care who’s available? Do you need to restate “that Friday night” when it’s obvious from the profile section header? Does it matter which house you’re at?

Why not just say, “sipping Macallan Scotch with friends.”? It’s concise while specific and also shows you appreciate fine liquor.

Include your successful career or high income (if it’s part of the questionnaire). I know you’re nervous it will attract “gold diggers”, but many quality women desire a driven, successful partner. You can always filter out the wrong people later. Be excited about what you’ve accomplished.

Be an individual. Get specific about who you are. Every other profile has something like, “I exercise often, hang out with my friends, and do outdoor sports.” Great, you just described a million other men. Show me how you’re unique from all the guys who says the same shit.

Tell me how you go Bachata dancing twice a week. Share how you sit by the beach bonfire with friends talking about the existence of alien lifeforms. Let me know about your annual weekend getaway to ski in the Rocky Mountains.

Paint a picture of your lifestyle so she can envision how awesome life would be with you. Also, the more detail you have, the easier it is for her to find something to comment on when responding to your message.

Give more than just factual information. Sharing your unique experiences and hobbies is a solid start. But this can be further improved by expressing your feelings and motivations behind them, too.

For your activities / hobbies …

Why do you do the things you do? Why are they important to you? Why did you originally get into them? How do you feel during them?

For your personality…

Stop TELLING girls what kind of man you are with, “I’m adventurous, open-minded, and love to laugh.” That couldn’t be any more bland or uninspired. SHOW them instead. Make a joke, share a brief story that showcases those qualities, or flesh out your emotional thought process.

“I’ll try anything twice…except those chocolate grasshoppers I had in Vietnam…once was more than enough. Getting my daily news from various sources helps me understand other people’s viewpoints. I may or may not have passed out from laughing so hard one too many times.”

Mix up your sentence structure. Starting every phrase with “I” is not engaging. “I recently went to Macau. I bungee jumped off the Macau tower and I’ll never forget it. I can’t wait to check out Italy next!” is repetitive and boring.

“My recent trip to Macau was breathtaking. Bungee jumping off the Macau tower and soaring through the air is a moment I’ll never forget. Next stop, Italy!” See how much more colorful and interesting that sounds?

Include a few sentences about what you find attractive or value in someone. Having standards shows you’re not desperate. It makes women want to win YOU over and also screens out women who aren’t compatible.

Speak proudly about your family, if they’re important to you. That could include your parents, siblings, pets, or children. In almost every study, family men rank as very attractive to women. Just don’t go on about your mother being the center of your universe, Norman Bates style.

Explain how your job benefits others in a relatable way. Help them understand the value you provide and again, give them more than just the facts. Don’t simply say, “I’ve been practicing cosmetic dentistry for the last 10 years. I fix teeth through a variety of methods.”

Instead try, “My job is to fix kid’s chipped teeth so they don’t get picked on at school. I also make people confident to smile for their wedding photos and memories. Every day I’m showing people how the dentist doesn’t have to be scary.”


Rant about things you hate. You might think it makes you seem cultured or passionate. In reality, you just seem like an angry, cynical man. No woman is excited to deal with that. They want to hang out with a guy who will make their life happier and less stressful.

Say anything like, “Please don’t waste my time.” or “Don’t message me if you’re crazy — I’ve dealt with that enough already.” I understand you’re trying to attract serious, healthy women. But all this is does is again make you sound bitter and have people question why you had all those negative experiences. Also, being hostile towards the opposite sex is the surest way to have women run away.

Talk about how your profile is still under construction. Or say “I’m terrible at these summaries.” or “This is still a work in progress.” You’re adding no value to yourself. In fact, you’re conveying that you aren’t creative. Either remove the parts that are unfinished or keep revising until you have a better profile.

Swear excessively. Once or twice to show passion or enthusiasm for something is great. Anything more is vulgar and intense.

Use emoticons or exclamation points in excess, either. Too many make you sound fake or like you’re trying to compensate for a lack of excitement or energy. One, maybe two of each is plenty.

Include low income or how you don’t have a job. You will unnecessarily filter yourself out from a lot of women who would be interested in you if given the chance.

Explain your shortcomings or draw attention to them. Most guys do this through self-deprecation or trying to convince others why their limitations shouldn’t matter. Stop joking about your Mr. Clean head or how your accent isn’t that heavy.

If you focus on your insecurities, others will see it as a problem, too. Stick to your strengths instead.

Lie about your age or appearance. This is something up to 80% of people do already. Yeah, you may be able to fool some people onto first dates that they might not have gone on otherwise. But I’ve never seen those first dates turn into anything more. You’re initiating a connection with dishonesty and the other person knows they can’t trust you.

Be timid or uncertain. Get rid of everything like, “I think most people would find me…”, “I’d like to consider myself as…”, or “…at least I think I am” Just say what you think you are. Women are attracted to men who know themselves.

Beg for them to give you a chance (selling yourself). This commonly shows up as “If you hang out with me just once, you’ll see how great I am.” Or “I promise you’ll have a good time if you give it a shot.” If you’re so great and fun, you need to express that through your profile content so she can realize it for herself.

Tell her to message you if she likes you. Never say stuff like, “Message me if you like what you see.” or “Ask me more and you’ll find out.” This puts her in the position of choosing you. Once again, if she likes what she sees in your content, that’s enough to make her excited to message you or respond back.

Position yourself as anything other than a potential romantic prospect. The vast majority of women in online dating are looking for intimate partners, not friends. You are not their new BFF, their city guide, or the guy who can always lend a helping hand.

Get too gushy or deep about finding your soulmate. Most people are eventually looking to find a great fit or to experience love. Conveying how you just need that one person to snuggle with, sit by the fireplace every night, or to love for eternity is intimidating off the bat. A woman wants to get to know you first, not worry that you’re going to pressure her into being your girlfriend 30 minutes into a first date.

Talk about stuff you haven’t attempted or are at least working towards. Talk is cheap. Saying, “I might consider…” or “I hope to try X in the future.” sounds like you won’t do these things or are just bullshitting. Tell me what you already do or what you have done in the past. Or at least talk about your upcoming plans in a concrete way, “Next year I’m going to open my own design business so I can work from anywhere in the world.”

Be overly sexual. You know I’m all about embracing and expressing your sexuality. But women are bombarded by lude messages, dick pics, and nude photo requests constantly. Implying you have a huge penis, that you’re good with your tongue, or that you “go hard” in bed comes off as a horny perv. She wants to know that you’re interested in more than just orgasming.

You can try to be subtle like, “learning to move my hips in salsa has helped me in more ways than one.” Otherwise, save it for after a few flirtatious messages or when things heat up on a date.

Now I do have to be honest and set some expectations.

However amazing your profile is, you won’t get dozens of messages from women per week. No guy does and that’s the reality. A great profile may get a few messages weekly.

You still need to write engaging messages to women regularly to succeed. And that’s where your profile will help you the most.

Once a woman reads your message, she’ll often check your profile to decide if she should respond. An attractive profile can be the deal-maker that lands you a date.

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“Should I disclose my education on my dating profile?” When it comes to creating the perfect online dating profile, practicing discretion is important. I always advise my male clients to fully complete their dating profiles. Part of completing your profile involves disclosing the following things:

  • Your real age
  • Whether or not you are divorced
  • Whether or not you are a smoker
  • If you have kids

Including your education is no different. So when it comes to the question, “Should I disclose my education?” the answer is that, yes, you should disclose your education on your dating profile. But I also understand people may be reticent when it comes to providing educational details.

In this article, you will learn how to present your education (or lack thereof) in a positive manner. I’ll also let you in on some great ways to snag matches and meet amazing women offline.

Should I Disclose My Education?

Tip #1: For College Grads

Maybe you feel like you’re “bragging” if you mention your college degree. Or perhaps you’re afraid that women will think you’re a nerd and prefer a meatheaded jock instead.

Should I Put That I Am Debt Free In My Dating Profile Login

Toss that line of thinking away right now.

First of all, sapiosexuality (an attraction to intelligence) is alive and kicking. Relationship-oriented women want to be able to connect with more than a pack of abs; they want to connect with a guy on an intellectual level.

Furthermore, according to a survey from AskMen and Zoosk, people with degrees tend to land more dates in the online dating world.

How to Disclose Your Degree

Now that you know the answer to “Should I disclose my education?” let’s talk about how to disclose your education on dating profiles.

Most online dating apps and sites have prepopulated areas you can fill in that disclose your type of degree — high school, bachelor’s degree, master’s, etc. Make sure to fill this out.

You can also mention your education in your bio. Don’t worry about going overboard with this. Simply mention the degree you have. If you currently work in a field you studied in college (let’s face it, a ton of people are working jobs that have nothing to do with what they went to college for), mention that as well.

And if your career is something other than what you went to college for (i.e., maybe you studied health science and now you work in marketing), mention that as well.

The Beauty of Transferable Skills

You may feel like it looks odd to disclose specifics of your degree when your career is something opposite, but this can actually work to your advantage. Being able to attain a degree in one area of study and then get a job in something different shows that you’re well-rounded. It also shows that you have a broad skill set.

Lots of people end up in careers that don’t necessarily fit what their college major because every degree and internship comes with a variety of transferable skills. Transferable skills are skills that can be used in several different occupations.

For example, someone I know currently works as a writer even though she studied health education in school. Her college education helped her find writing jobs that dealt specifically with fitness, nutrition, and overall wellness. She initially felt self-conscious talking about this on dates because she thought it might come off like she couldn’t make up her mind about her career or chose the wrong major in college.

But honestly, how many of us actually know what we want to do with the rest of our lives when we’re fresh out of high school?

The point is, this fact didn’t put anyone off when she went on dates. It just gave her more to talk about when the topic of education and career came up.

Tip #2: If You’re Still in School

Some dating apps and sites allow you to list that you are currently working toward a degree. Others don’t and you have to simply fill out “High School” in the degree field.

In this case, it’s a good idea to mention in your dating bio or tagline that you are working toward a degree in a particular field.

Should I Put That I Am Debt Free In My Dating Profile

Once again, put a positive spin on this. Talk about what you’re excited about pursuing once your graduate. You can also talk about what you really like about the university you’re currently attending, your favorite college activities and the types of things you like to do outside of class.

What if I’m in Law School or Medical School?

DEFINITELY be sure to mention this. Don’t be shy. Getting into law school or medical school is a big challenge and it’s going to impress women.

Moreover, women tend to want a man who is career-oriented and financially stable. If you’re setting out to be a lawyer or a doctor, it shows initiative and that you’re headed into a stable, solid career.

Conversely, be careful of women who just want to date a doctor or equate a law/medical degree with endless cash flow. For more tips on avoiding gold diggers, check out How to Not Be Taken Advantage of Financially While Dating.

Tip #3: If You Didn’t Go to College

Harkening back to that statistic about people with degrees getting more dates, I just want to say this: DON’T PANIC.

Yes, men who have degrees are more likely to attract relationship-oriented women. Or, at least, it’s something that is going to catch a woman’s eye.

However, in an era of student loan debt and, again, people ending up in careers that have nothing to do with what they went to school for, choosing to forego college isn’t all that uncommon. College is extremely expensive and it’s certainly not the only way to find a good job.

If you didn’t go to college, you shouldn’t try to skirt around that fact. Rather, talk about the positive things you’re doing at your current job and what your career plans are for the future.

If you found a job after high school but plan to go to college and get a degree, mention that.

Are You in the Military?

First of all, thank you for your service. Second of all, this is one route people take that prevents a college education or at least delays a traditional college education. There is a lot of pride that comes with being in the military, and when it comes to attracting women, a military man is extremely attractive for reasons that extend beyond the whole “a man in uniform” thing.

Don’t hide the fact that you were or are currently in the military if that’s your situation. Trust me, women are not going to be put off by the fact that you didn’t get a bachelor’s degree given that you’ve been defending the country overseas. A degree can definitely wait.

Tip #4: If You Are Unemployed and Financially Unstable

In this case, it’s extremely understandable that you are asking the question about putting your education or income on your dating profile.

Let’s say you don’t have a degree and are in no position to get one. Maybe you barely passed high school, have a G.E.D. or are currently working on it.

Or maybe things just recently took a turn and you’re financially unable to finish college at this time, was never able to enroll in college or faced a number of different issues that have left you unemployed, broke and living with your parents, relative or on a friend’s couch.

First of all, don’t beat yourself up and try not to judge yourself.

Second of all, now is not the right time for you to be dating.

You’re far from the only person who has hit a rough patch. But it’s really important that you fix your finances before putting yourself out there in the dating world.

If unemployment or low income is a result of mental health or a traumatic event, getting motivated to look for a job could be difficult. Mental health struggles can affect every facet of your life. But there are lots of free and affordable mental health resources available. Check out a broad selection on Lifehacker and Greatist.

Should I Put That I Am Debt Free In My Dating Profile

When you’re feeling better, fix your finances and find a job you like, you can reenter the dating world.

Make Your Dating Profile Shine

When it comes to the topic of “Should I disclose my education on my dating profile?” the thing to remember is this: Even if you don’t have a college degree or a super stimulating career to speak of, you can get tons of matches and attract amazing women by using a few of my favorite online dating tips for men.

Strategy #1: Choose Your Photos Wisely

First impressions are everything. Make sure that you select the best possible photos if you want your online dating profile to stand out from the competition. Choose current, clear and attractive photos.

For detailed advice on dating profile photos, check out my Top 5 Online Dating Photo Tips for Men Who Want More Matches.

Strategy #2: Set a Swipe Goal

Set a swipe goal each day and track your progress. For example, let’s say you calculate that you swipe 50 times a day. That adds up to 350 swipes per week. You know what that means? It means 350 chances to match up with a woman every seven days.

This message is strategic because it allows you to track and measure your progress. You can see how effective your response rate is and — if your match rates are low or suddenly start to decrease — you can use this information to alter your profile.

Strategy #3: Deliver an Awesome Opening Line

When it comes to turning online connections into real-world dates, a killer icebreaker is everything. The best openers include the following:

  • Humor
  • Mention of shared interests (read her profile to find out what she’s into)
  • Positivity
  • Something unique that avoids the standard “Hey,” “How are you?” and “How was your day?”

Strategy #4: Create a Compelling Date Idea

Don’t wait too long to ask a girl out on a date. Remember, women get inundated with messages on dating apps. Time is of the essence.

Should I Put That I Am Debt Free In My Dating Profile Test

Use your shared interests or something she is really passionate about to create a compelling date plan. A compelling date is something that aligns with the woman’s interest and has a clear TDL.

Need a Personal Coach?

During my 100-date experiment, I analyzed thousands of online dating profiles. My research provided me with insights into the most effective strategies when it comes to meeting amazing people through online dating sites and apps.

I’ve subsequently helped men around the world get the most out of their online dating experience by providing expert advice, along with a female perspective, so they know exactly what women really want from their online matches.

If you’d like the help of a coach, get started by booking a new client 1-on-1 Zoom session with me or one of my colleagues today!

During your intro session, we’ll discuss your dating goals, create an action plan, and see if our 3 month coaching or matchmaking programs could help you reach your goals!